After 11 performances at 2 theatres spread over 3 weeks and overall 9 months of developing the project we've had a truly smashing start to the year 2014.
Both The Space as well as The Hen & Chickens Theatre have been fantastic venues to be working at and we are thrilled that Goblin Baby's second project had the opportunity to be shown at two of the best fringe venues in London.
Below are extracts of what reviewers had to say about the project and company.
Here's to a continuously successful 2014!
★★★★ 'Retold. A Fairytale Festival without the happily ever after’ is very special to watch, something unusual and different from your average fringe show. (...) Goblin Baby Theatre Company seems to have a knack for finding ways to address at times challenging or unusual topics through theatre. - Remotegoat
...there is great intelligence and ambition here; this is definitely a company to watch and it will be exciting to see them grow... - The Public Reviews
It's nice to see Goblin Baby attempting to take a stance akin to [Angela] Carter rather than the derivative guff that has come out of Hollywood and TV studios of late... - Views from the Gods